
  PARENT- TEEN RELATIONSHIPS As a parent of a teenager, and having handled hundreds of career mentoring cases for teenagers with their parents, there have been some learnings that I would like to share here. All of us have observed the changes that take place in our children as they enter into their Teenage. So many parents are unable to accept some of these changes, and sub-consciously want their teenage child to behave like they used to an year or a couple of years before. Most relationships get awry because of these conflicts of expectations in the parents mind about the behavior of the child.  Teenage is the " point of inflexion " where the Personality of the child gets transformed into it's permanent adult personality. Yes, once this personality is formed, it rarely changes and only maturity is displayed in the expression of the personality traits as they age, the basic core personality remaining the same for life. So, it is important for every parent to learn to &qu

Career Decisions and How?

  How does a young mind decide upon a career option? Well, most of us senior professionals are confused even today about our own careers, so should a young mind be guided at all for careers or no? Should we just leave them to figure it out on their own?  Well, there are different kinds of people in this world and it will depend on many factors. One rule does not fit all. While there are some families, where the parents and kids are super-engaged and the child gets to discover and experience a lot, and develops maturity to take the right decisions in time, in my experience, this situation is quite rare and there needs to be a method to this madness.  In today's fast moving age, things are changing at a rapid pace, and as the child turns a teenager, there is huge information overload and they are spoilt for choices. I term this " information overload " as " EXTERNAL NOISE ". Being a student of Acoustics, we were taught about White Noise and Signal to Noise ratios,